less than 1 minute read

Finding a good Music streaming is really so hard. Today I play guvera and thing to let use it for future. Now See what it happen to me.

First I tried to pay it doesn’t work. I tell the support and it telling me that give us error so we look into it. It’s error 25004 Payment failed.

It’s working on other site but not in Guvera. I thing it’s hourly issues and it’s maybe has fixed now. I tried to payment again and they charge me 1447.39 (49.91 29 times on same date). the phone that is registered continuously ping by the notification.

I see nothing has been changed in my account. My account is still free. Now I have contact their support by email. I got no answer. Maybe They don’t send mail after 4 PM.

I will update this when I get update back from Guvera. Right now Let’s see what happened.


Here is the screenshot to show what happened with my account.
